Crafting Your Brand Credibility: Why It’s More Than Just Looking Good – Platinum 99

Crafting Your Brand Credibility: Why It’s More Than Just Looking Good

It only takes a few seconds for potential clients to decide whether they want to work with you or not.


Yes, only a few seconds!!


That’s how short the window is. And that also means the first impression you give to your clients matters so much!


Have you ever wondered why you didn’t get a response back from the potential client to whom you just sent a proposal? The answer is probably because the connection wasn’t there. Even though you have a good product and service, they don’t feel connected. They still wonder why they can trust you.


But… what if you already good designs? What if you just rebranded everything?! Isn’t that the main thing?


Design is important, yes. You definitely want everything to look good and cohesive. However, without a genuine connection with your audience, your good design can fall flat. Your credibility cannot be built on just your visuals.


Keep reading!


Crafting your brand credibility isn’t a choice, it’s a necessity!


In the early days of working at Platinum99, I thought that branding was something that I can focus on later in the business. I thought that it wasn’t crucial and that what truly mattered was my ability to sell. But I was totally wrong!


Branding itself is selling.


Branding is building that relationship with customers so that they understand who you are and why your products and services are the best fit for them. The foundation is actually branding because branding is the key to selling well and growing your business!!


Look around, you’re not the only one trying to attract your dream clients. There are so many choices out there for your audience to choose from. If you want to be the go-to choice, you have to stand out and be memorable.


So… taking the time to craft your brand is no longer a choice, but a necessity!


You don’t win clients just by looking good


Eventually, customers buy from you not just because you look good. Sure, visuals are important! Don’t get me wrong. You need visuals that are cohesive and well-designed. But that’s NOT the most important thing because visuals alone don’t always communicate your uniqueness to your customers.


Crafting your branding means you are crafting the impact and impression your customers have about you. It’s about capturing their attention and creating an emotional connection within the first few seconds of their encounter with your brand.


It’s the perception that your customers walk away with after experiencing your brand.


If the impression is good and they feel connected, they will trust your brand and potentially become your loyal fans. But if they feel like you’re just another brand that’s out there trying to sell to them, there’s a chance they’ll move on to the next brand.


So how can you craft a credible brand that attracts your dream clients? Here’s our 4-step process!



Platinum99’s 4-step process to crafting your brand credibility:


1. Establishing your brand strategy


Everything starts with brand strategy. Here we will lay the foundations for your business first. We will go deep to know your vision and mission, to understand the ‘WHY’ behind your brand.


The strategy workshops help us look inside your brand and business and get to the core of what makes you YOU. The insights we uncover will help us refine your services, positioning, and action steps moving forward.


We’ll dive into your goals and define the brand you want to become. By understanding where you are now and where you want to be in 10 years, we can develop a strategy that actually gets you to your vision!



2. Defining your positioning in the market


If the first step is to look within your brand and get to the core, the second step is to look outside and understand the market well. We go into your customer research, evaluate your touch points, and solidify your positioning in the market.


We want to know the customers you are already attracting and the impression they have about your brand and business. Do these customers fit your dream clients? If not, where are your dream clients and why aren’t they coming to buy your services?


The goal of this process is to find out how you can answer the need of your customers and build trust with them. You want to uncover your brand differentiators and what makes you unique so you can stand out in the market!



3. Communicating what makes you unique


Now that you know what makes you unique—the magic you bring to the table, the challenge is to translate that into a plan that you can implement for your brand and business. We have to map out how you can communicate this uniqueness to your audience.


Because we’ve already studied your current customers and dream clients, we know how they describe their pain points and desired vision moving forward. We understand what’s stopping them to get to where their goals. This will be our North Star to craft your brand experience!


Here we will work together on your tone of voice, messaging, visuals, and other deliverables that will help you confidently show up in the market. You will get a roadmap complete with brand strategy and guides so you can be consistent and cohesive in your brand experience across all touch points.



4. Getting ongoing support


Most agencies stop at communication and deliverables, but we know there’s one more crucial step: ongoing support.


What’s the use of getting a roadmap that’s only going to collect dust in your computer? We don’t want you to know what your strategy needs to be but to actually execute it well and drive results.


As an entrepreneur, you have so many things on your plate already—it’s no wonder that even implementing the roadmap can feel overwhelming. So, we don’t want you to do this alone!


Every fortnight for 3 months after the strategy and deliverables, we will jump on a call and think about what we’ll do next. We’ll help you to make the necessary adjustments to make sure that you’re actually getting to your brand goals, one decision, one connection, and one action step at a time!



Need help figuring out all things related to your brand and crafting your brand credibility?


When it comes to your branding, you are in charge!


You are in charge of how you want to be perceived. You are in charge of how you want to show up. You are in charge of how you want people to feel when they experience your brand.


And the best part is, you don’t have to do this alone—I’m here for you. Sign up for a call, I’ll help you get clarity to show up confidently through brand strategy and design!





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They say good things come in small packages. That’s certainly true here at Platinum 99.
We’re a local team of design and creative experts dedicated to helping small businesses transform their brands.


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