Have you ever left everything you’ve always had and known to start again from zero?
Maybe you let go of your full-time job to start that business you’re so passionate about.
Maybe you moved to a different country to join an organization and fight for a cause you strongly believe.
Or maybe you’ve invested everything to level up your brand and business so you can pursue your dreams.
For P99, that fresh start looked like leaving Indonesia and moving to Perth. That was the beginning of P99’s story.
It started in Mandurah— a city where I knew no one. It was a new culture, new environment, new business. Platinum99 was in a small office that took me 1,5 hours to get to work everyday. I had to hop on the train, take the bus, and walk.
My family and I were starting again from zero.
It wasn’t long before I experienced one of the worst years of my life.
For a while, I just tried to do whatever would stick and made sense in my mind for Platinum99.
I was in charge of marketing and growing the business. So if upgrading the website makes sense, let’s do that. If people advises SEO, let’s invest in that. I just kept going and going, trying this and that, investing in this and that. But it still feels like it wasn’t hitting the mark and I didn’t know what was missing.
We were selling logos at $20 dollars because we were desperate to get revenues in. And we were even scammed by people! We had clients who received their brand assets from us but disappeared without paying us. P99 was in a bad shape.
There were months where we went without no new real clients. And even if we had small clients walk into our doors, they treated us like order takers and pixel pushers, asked for way too many revisions, and underpaid us.
And on top of that, I was bullied and told everyday that I wasn’t capable and wouldn’t become anything. I was once told I wasn’t needed because the designer was the one doing the real job. I was the sales and marketing manager, but they told me I wasn’t valuable.
If I wanted P99 to thrive, I had to ask for help and rediscover my inner confidence.
What would you do if you were in my shoes?
I’m so grateful that I was raised to be a fighter and to not quit, because I knew something needed to change. I felt incapable, alone, and discouraged—but I wasn’t going to let my bully have the last word. That’s when I decided to join a business coach and pursued brand strategy.
My business coach told me that I had to show up for my business. Not to sell stuff, but just to share about things that get me excited—things that make me who I am and things that I stand for.
It was uncomfortable when I first started sharing more about myself and showing up as who I was. Up to that point, nobody knew who was behind Platinum99. They didn’t know what values we live by and who we were trying to serve. I covered myself up because I felt like I wasn’t good enough. But my coach kept saying that showing up doesn’t mean selling-selling-selling, it just meant sharing-sharing-sharing.
So I followed her advice and that was when I noticed things began to shift.
We got more engagement, people were responding to our messaging. Potential inquiries would even mention the things that they were aligned with. All because we were consistent in showing up as who we were unapologetically. Wow!!
The turning point for Platinum99 was finally owning what we stand for, and that became the foundation of our brand credibility.
What I realised is I wasted so much time changing the outside appearance instead of focusing on my stories, values and beliefs. I was so fixated on colours and designs, making sure the logo, website, social media, and everything else was exactly right. But that really wasn’t the main thing, was it?
Soon into the journey, I learned what it means to show up for your business.
It means I’m sharing about myself, my values, my work, and my life.
It means I’m talking to people, learning and building relationships with one another.
It wasn’t about selling my services, but sharing my process and my mindset.
When the changes happened and we began to grow, everything that I fussed about stayed the same. The visual appearance with all its colours and fonts and design elements- I didn’t change them. The one thing that did change was me: I started showing up for the business.
I intentionally connected with people, shared about my values on Platinum99’s social media, and stopped worrying about following the trends—instead I stayed true to who I have always been.
I showed the behind-the-scenes of our work, shared our process, and confidently showed people what this business means to me and why helping my clients matters. All the things that really excited me and got me to do brand strategy in the first place!!
From there on, all the inspiration and growth came naturally. I saw gaps in our process that we could improve and it led me to people that could help me do that. Instead of just sending out questionnaires for our clients, we now offer brand strategy as a part of our process.
There was trust between me and my clients before they even converted. This is what I call ‘brand credibility’!
It was such a big shift for Platinum99! I saw that because I feel confident about who I am and why the brand exists, I could share our story unapologetically. And people could see that! Our audience could sense the change and they don’t see someone who just passes work to a designer.
They see me as someone who knows what the work is about, inside and out, someone who is leading the team and ensures that we actually walk the talk and live out our values. And through that, our dream clients actually feel more connected with us and started reaching out more to us!
In the past, often times it was hard to bring clients on the same page because we don’t always have similar values with our clients. Even though I saw how much potential the client had and what their brand could become, because we weren’t aligned in values and processes, we couldn’t take our client on that journey of transformation. They were missed opportunities!
But now things are different. Because I show up consistently and share the same message over and over again, the people that inquire to Platinum99 come with a sense of trust and understanding of what we’re all about. We are growing and getting more opportunities to work with our dream clients like never before!
Now, it is my mission to help you craft your brand credibility and attract your dream clients 
I went from a place of overwhelm, discouragement, and confusion, to a place of empowerment, inspiration, and confidence. And now I want to help service-based businesses experience that transformation too!
It took a long journey for me to get there, I made many decisions that maybe looking back I could do better on, and I had to experiment with many changes in the process.
My mission now is to bring everything I’ve learned to help you speed up your journey and get to where you want to go through brand strategy and design. In an era where people are saturated with information, they want to go to brands and businesses they can trust. So your currency is your brand credibility. And how do you craft that? By knowing who you are as a brand, and then confidently and consistently sharing that to connect with your dream clients.