Mejutation Society – Platinum 99

We went on a discovery call and asked her a few questions such as 🎯 What does she want to be remembered for and what sort of messaging doe she wants to get across.

She was still unsure and needed guidance to gather that information.

Initially, she came to us wanting to have a website so that she could sell her meditation classes.

The old P99 would give her what she wants and build her a website which would most likely not bring any result.

Instead, we managed to get into the root and build her brand’s foundations, her offer and find her people through brand strategy.

We even came up with a launch trigger to help her launch her business!

Through brand strategy, she now has so much clarity and confidence in her brand that she took the courage to work as a FIFO worker and start her new chapter in life! ✨

Brand strategy is not only here to give you the roadmap and clarity in your business, but also the confidence and courage to achieve your business goals!

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